Welcome to Rome group 3's blogspot!

The Mighty Empire of Group 3

Group III is:

"When in Rome, do as the Romans"


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Journal Entry

Dear Journal,

Today is April 22nd and we are sitting in one of the many famous theatres in Rome- Guelma.

The theatre of ancient Rome refers to dramatic performances performed in Rome and its classical antiquity. The structure and idea of Ancient Roman theatres were influenced by the Greek tradition and Hellenistic Greece. We think that the theatres in Rome compare really different than the theatres we have today like "Silver City" or "Scotia Bank Theatre". Of course, all theatres have an audience seating section, ushers, programms, advertisements...... but Ancient Rome may not have some of these same convenient aspects.

The actors developed a kind of code that would tell the audience about the characters just by looking at them. A purple robe meant the character was a young man. A yellow robe meant the character was a woman. (Needed in early Roman theatre, as originally female characters were played by men, however as the Roman theatre progressed, women slaves took the roles of women in plays.) A yellow tassel meant the character was a god. These described the different characters played in a show. Where as, we have sets, props, costumes for shows we have today to make it more clear and straightforward for the audience watching.

The frame and structure of Ancient Rome differs than theatres we have today, but still, it carries the same tradition and culture of live drama, a production, or movies. Though in different places, Ancient Rome and updated civilization don't have that big of a difference in terms of theatres- the carry the same purpose!



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